Noodelist Celebrating Women

In honor of IWD (International Women's Day on March 8) and Women's History Month, Noodelist would like to give a shout out to all the women out there! As a female founded and operated company, Noodelist would not be where it is today without many amazing women (and yes, there are males involved too - but it's March and we're highlighting women).
Additionally, we want to celebrate women and are giving away 31 Noodelist Sampler packs, one for every day of March. Send us your nominations and we'll post them here. See How to Nominate below.
We can't wait to hear about the women that have empowered you! Here's Thuong's, the founder's nominations:
Thuong from Vietnam, Finland, and the U.S. says thank you to her mom who lives in Finland. "She always has my favorite Vietnamese noodle soups ready when I am coming home. I tell her my favorite dish, and then she makes eight more "side" dishes. The amazing flavors of my mom's cooking inspired the Noodelist soup broths, and another big thanks to my aunties across the world who have fed me and nourished my body and soul."
110% Fabulous
Female rockstars that have been nominated:
@Tanja is nominating her little sister, Katja in Houston, TX. "She is one of the most beautiful persons I know, inside and out. Always helpful and always smiling and friendly, even during difficult times. A woman with a heart of gold. She is ambitious and never gives up - I think she just has a lot of Finnish sisu.
"You definitely are a rockstar lady - and have always been! Keep on rocking, sis"!
@Sumi says thank you to Åse, "I would like to nominate Ase, my best friend, and soulmate.
Do you have someone with whom you can speak just about anything and everything? You trust that she will never judge you and will always be there for you? Even your own family sometimes might not be able to do that because of their crazy bias as your family.
When you have had the harshest breakup and have such desperate, dramatic feelings of being left all by yourself in this world, you shake yourself up and realize you still have this person who you know will never abandon you. She will let you cry for hours and hours listening to you and comforting you.
When you get into a bad accident and you are going through heavy operations, she is the first person who your family will contact because they know her presence will comfort you and heal you.
On a hot summer afternoon, if you just drink a glass of chill white wine in her backyard munching on some salami and crackers with her, you feel like you are having the most luxurious vacation in the world.
You get to be her kids' Godmother and she makes sure the kids always remember that throughout their lives so that the kids love you as if you were their 2nd mother and they are certain you will always be there for them no matter what happens. When you are at their house, you get to sleep next to the kids and they think it's a big treat for them.
Her husband becomes your bro. He walks around in his PJ and talks about politics with no worries about you having different opinions because nothing can split you from his family no matter how different opinions we bear about the most sensitive subjects.
Her mom treats you as if you were her own daughter although you might not be able to speak the same language since where you are from is thousands of miles away from her motherland. Despite the language difference, she knows your emotions and heart. She gives you the kindest smiles and says, "are you hungry?", which is one of the few expressions she knows in English. What else do you need to say to comfort your daughter?
When she passes away, she has the colorful scarf on her neck which you bought her years ago. Although you don't get to say good-bye to her, you know she sent you the last good-bye and will always live in your heart.
Do you have a friend who gives you herself and her entire family in such an unconditional way?
It's been 20 years since she brought me into her life as her best friend and her sister. People, often, fall in love and think your boyfriend or husband should be your soulmate and then you end up getting totally disappointed. I bet a lot of people have had those experiences. Why does your soulmate need to be your romantic partner?!
I can proudly say my soulmate and best friend in life is Ase. She was born and grew up in Norway, which was almost an unknown country to my homeland, Korea, when I was little. What has put us together and made us best friends and sisters must be something beyond destiny.
Ase has taught me how true friendship feels like and with no blood connection, you can still find your spiritual sister outside of your own family. I am lucky to have her in my life."
@Eric from Palo Alto CA says thank you to Katy in Charlottesville VA, "This moment in history is unique for its exceptional challenges and unprecedented impact on our world if we fail to get the solutions right. We are experiencing more bewildering changes than any previous generation. Moments of this magnitude and global significance have made extraordinary demands on the Energy Society. As COO of an association of 135,000 energy professionals, Katy McCune is able to manage multiple and competing challenges surpassingly well. She can build the website, manage a database of a half-million stakeholders, oversee a large staff, and ensure operational logistics ... all at the same time. In short, there are many other women who are Katy's equal - exceptional professionals who do more in one hour than others do in a day. But I can say, without qualification, that no one is better, either. I am proud and honored to call Katy my colleague and peer."
@Jeanette from Danville says thank you to Nikki in Philadelphia, "My baby girl had a baby girl, Nikki was 26 weeks into her pregnancy diagnosed with preeclampsia. For her safety and the safety of her child, they admitted her to the hospital, for the duration of the pregnancy. Just after midnight, the doctors performed an emergency c-section. Baby Lucia was born at 1.5 lbs., and a little fighter. Through the most difficult days and nights, Nikki has been a pillar of strength. She has remained strong and resilient, with the ability to help others handle the stress with warmth and grace. I have admired Nikki for the amazing person she has grown to be, she is smart and has an amazing sense of humor. She makes everyone feel amazing, truly loves with all her heart. Baby Lucia is a lucky girl to have Nikki as her mom."
@Paula from Fremont CA says thank you to Jaime in Fremont CA, "Despite this crazy year of pandemic and some hardships in her family, Jaime has still been taking care of others. She has four kids and she somehow manages to cook/shop for her neighbors while homeschooling and taking care of a baby. We have had many wonderful meals and surprises behind our door. Jaime truly has a big heart and we are lucky to know her!"
@Anne from CA says thank you to Anna of CA, "Recovering from a terrible accident back to life as a mother of 3 and a business woman, that's sisu. Regardless of all the pain and loss, she stayed positive and happy."
@Maria from Hollister CA says thank you to Cristina in San Jose CA, "This amazing woman just completed her degree in Biology at UC Santa Cruz the last part during Covid while raising two very active boys with her husband and working part time."
@Barrie from Los Altos CA says thank you to Carolyn in New Haven CT, "My sister, Carolyn, is a nurse on the front lines helping her clients during this past year of COVID. I so admire her dedication to her profession and patients all the time, but never more so than this past year - in which she has been totally undeterred and presses on with purpose and compassion."
@Jamie says thank you to her mother Sandra in CA, "My mom is Cantonese and loves noodles. She's been trying to eat healthier due to the overwhelming studies on insulin resistance and brain degeneration. My grandfather has type 2 diabetes, and she can bring some of these noodles back to him in HK during the summer if she likes them, seeing as he loves noodles too!"
@Vannessa from Azusa, CA says thank you to her sister Esmeralda,"The woman I am nominating is my sister, Esmeralda. She currently lives in San Diego, where she is completing her master's degree at Point Loma Nazarene University. At her young age, she is incredibly hard working. She attends school, works multiple jobs, and is completing her clinical hours as well. She has also been there for me in so many ways during hard times and she inspires me with her strength every day!"
@Ville from San Jose says thank you to Emma in NYC, "I would like to nominate my former boss Emma for her courage, vision, energy and passion. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with Emma in the past and it has been my joy to observe her progressing in her professional career."
@Jenni from Los Altos CA says thank you to Katheryne in Portland, "I want to nominate Katheryne, who not only took care of my daughters when they were young, but also went above and beyond helping them understand their individual strengths and believing in them when they didn't believe in themselves. Powerful women raise powerful women!"
@Anita from CT says thank you to Cheryl in CT, "I would like to nominate my daughter Cheryl as an Amazing Woman. Cheryl lost her husband in a tragic automobile accident and was left with three boys, ages 3, 9, and 10. She has raised them alone while working full-time as a nurse and waited to start dating until the youngest was in high school. She has raised three amazing young men; two have graduated college and the youngest is in college."
@Annukka says thank you to Pip in San Mateo CA, "Pip has the biggest heart of any person I know, she is always ready to help no matter who you are and what your situation is. She is an avid campaigner for the disadvantaged and minorities. Most recently she has been tutoring my daughter in her spare time, which has been a blessing for us since our family works and attends school from home and it feels like we are all on top of each other too much as of late :) Pip has the best sense of humor and she is fit as a fiddle, often kicking my butt to go to OrangeTheory at godly hours of the morning, which is much appreciated!"
@Ava from Hayward CA says thank you to Darcy in Seattle, WA,"And the reason I am nominating her is because she is BADASS! She is a single mom that is holding it down with 2 sons...she is a project manager in a field of business dominated by! And she walks with dignity and grace...and is smart and confident!"
@Jennifer from CA says thank you to her sister Denise in Hawaii "for helping her when she needed it and having a good sense of humor."